(305) 316-2059
Frequently Asked Questions
How is a counseling session scheduled?
To schedule a session, simply book online, call, or email The Counseling Room. Remember, all potential clients qualify for a FREE 15-minute telephone consultation as well.
How long is the counseling process?
Counseling can be a short-term (approximately 3 months) or long-term (more than 3 months) process. It all depends on the severity of the issue(s) presented and what is BEST for the client.
How often does the counselor and client meet?
Traditionally, the counselor and the client (whether individual, couple, or family) meet once per week. However, depending on the needs of the client, multiple sessions can be held throughout the week (counselor's schedule permitting). If desired, clients may choose to meet with the counselor once every other week as well.
What is the length of each session?
Individual sessions are no more than 60 minutes, couple's sessions are no more than 90 minutes, and depending on the size of the family unit (3 persons max), family sessions are no more than 120 minutes.
Can children participate in counseling services?
Of course! The Counseling Room works with clients who are at at least 12 years old.
Where is the office located?
Currently, there is no physical office location. All services are provided via telemental health. In-person sessions will take place in the near future.
What software must be purchased to engage in telemental health?
No purchases necessary! A phone, tablet, laptop, and/or computer is all you need. These devices must have a front-facing camera. Additionally, clients must have a telephone number and an email address.
Does confidentiality exist in the counselor-client relationship?
Everything a client shares in a counseling session is confidential. This means the counselor will not share the information with anyone else unless the client authorizes the counselor to do so. However, there are 3 exceptions to this rule:
(1) Client is at risk for hurting him or herself
(2) Client is at risk for hurting someone else
(3) Client informs counselor of the abuse and/or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult.
If any of the three situations occur, the counselor is mandated by law to inform the proper authorities
Is a mental health diagnosis required prior to receiving services?
No. Counseling is beneficial for individuals with or without a mental health diagnosis.
Will a diagnosis be made during the counseling process?
The process of identifying a mental health condition must be taken with care. A diagnosis will be made if and only if a client is experiencing symptoms that meet the clinical criteria.
Are diagnoses permanent?
Similar to physical health conditions, some diagnoses change over time and some may even disappear. Others, also like some physical health conditions, remain with individuals forever and must be managed well in order to live a full and healthy life.
Which health insurances can be used to pay for services?
Health insurance companies require clients to receive a formal diagnosis. However, it is The Counseling Room's belief that a person does not need to have a mental health diagnosis in order to reap the benefits of counseling. As such, to avoid the unethical pressures of diagnosing clients, The Counseling Room is not accepting health insurances at this time. All services are self-pay.
What are the benefits of self-pay?
Some benefits include:
(1) Full control over who the counselor is
(2) Unlimited number of sessions
(3) Higher likelihood of medical records (e.g., diagnosis) remaining private
(4) Mental health diagnosis not required